Monday, October 7, 2013



   Di-ingun-atos are mythical creatures found in the Philippines. The meaning of the word is not-of-our-kind. Many passed on stories about them circulated the whole country especially in the provinces. Even my grandmother passed on the story to me. Generally, Di-ingun-atos are just the same with other mythical creatures in the Philippines. The only difference is that unlike other creatures, the Di-ingun-atos do not usually eat humans.

        Di-ingun-ato can actually mimic the appearance of humans. They would actually take the human form more often. In fact, their human forms are actually considered to be handsome and beautiful. According to stories they are quite charismatic. They use their charisma to their advantage.

       Normal humans who would encounter such being would right away fall into their charisma. Under their spell, the enchanted human would view the Di-ingun-ato as the ideal person that they were looking for. It is quite convenient for the Di-ingun-ato. During the days of being under the spell, the Di-ingun-ato would first befriend the human of its interest. As the days would pass, the unlucky human would completely fall into the trap.

     The Di-ingun-ato could sense if the human is already comfortable with it as companion. If this happens, the human will be asked to visit the house of that Di-ingun-ato. According to the stories, the house is actually as big and as grandiose as a mansion. In reality, the whole place is just made from the spell of the Di-ingun-ato and in fact it is just a mere tree in the forest. The human who would step inside the house would see its mansion like characteristics.

      The human and Di-ingun-ato would have a little talk inside the house. Then, the Di-ingun-ato would offer some food to the human. The human will be brought to a very huge dining hall with all the delicious food you could think of, lined up on the long table. Any food lover would actually take the offer. This is where the warning comes. Old people said that you must not eat nor take food from the house of the Di-ingun-ato.

       The explanation of the refusal of the food is that it will be the end for a normal human life. Once the human would accept the food, he/she will remain forever in the Di-ingun-ato world. Usually the victims of this trap are women. So the women would become the bride of the Di-ingun-ato. Therefore remembering the warning would be very helpful.

       Di-ingun-ato also target children and would abduct them. My father told me his experience about his friend being abducted by Di-ingun-ato. They were kids at that time who were just playing near the trees. When it was already time for them to go home, they notice that their friend disappeared. They all went home and sought the help of the elders and told the whole story.

       When they went back to their playing grounds, they were already bringing frying pans, aluminium ladles, aluminium bowls. They loudly tapped the frying pans with the ladles thus creating noises. They did this because they were told that Di-ingun-ato would be annoyed and will have no choice but to let the abducted kid go. Their friend was freed and by then, they learned their lesson.

       From the encounter my father experienced, i think that these creatures also need respect. People might not have proof about them being real but it doesn’t erase the possibility that they might actually exist. If they do, then beware of suspicious beautiful people that are trying to befriend you.

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